The Marantz 8400 doesn't have the PAQ, much to my chagrin as an owner. I haven't found I needed it yet though to be honest. I used to have to tweak the heck out of my Sony to get acceptable sound, the Marantz was as easy as hook everything up, plug it in, run throught the on-screen setup, Bob's your uncle. I'm with rikmeister when it comes to suggesting the Harman store on Ebay, coops got a 7200 for I believe $530. That's still the best deal I've seen to date for a receiver. Start keeping an eye out for Pioneer Elite prices to drop. The replacements are on the way. I do have a guilty little secret. I think that this
link will take you to one of the best deals going. It is from a manufacturer whose name must not be spoken for fear of being flamed. It about 2 to 3 years old but this guy is a damn tank and weighs over 48 lbs. It might lack a few of the brand new features like PLII but it is a heck of a steal. Still on sale for over $800 at most sites. I have to post it in the deals section too. I want to see who gets all uppity with me for not suggesting one of the standards. Good luck with the purchase rjbudz.