
Just recently purchased a pioneer 9130, two klipsch VF-36's tower speakers, klipsch VS-14 surround speakers, klipsch VC-25 centre channel and the klipsch 12" synergy sub from best buy. I know most of this isn't considered very high end but it fits my needs and I got a pretty good deal on all of it.

The question I had was in regards to the volume on the receiver, before running the auto cal I found -40 db was a good listening volume for tv and -30 db for movies. After running the auto cal it changed all my channel levels to -db levels and I find -25 db to be a good listening volume now for tv and I haven't tryed a movie yet but I would assume -15 db. Is it normal for the auto cal to do this and should I leave it be or manually change some of the settings? It just seems weird to me to underpower the speakers and listen at a higher volume?

Was also wondering if this specific receiver has a setting for upping the volume when people are whispering? I have been told this is called dynamic volume but cannot find anything in the receiver settings or manual on it.


Senior Audioholic
The auto calibration probably changed the individual speaker levels. It's nothing to get excited about. You can manually change them if you think it sounded better before. If it sounds good the way it is now, I wouldn't worry about it. It's just a number on the display.

You are correct about the voices thing. Sometimes it is called dialog enhancement. You're reciever may not have that option. If not, you can increase the output level of the center channel in the manual settings under speaker level.


Thanks for the reply.

I realize it changed the individual speaker levels what I am asking is why? Why does the auto cal feel the need to run my speakers at -1.5 to -4 dbs vs 0 db or even 5 dbs.

Turning up the speaker settings on the centre channel could work but it would be annoying to pause a movie during a whisper scene turn the centre up then pause it again once they go back to speaking normally and turn it down :D


Senior Audioholic
The auto calibration tries to give equal intensity from each speaker at the main listening position (where you place the mic). I've yet to be impressed by the auto setup in the recievers I have owned.

What I meant about the center channel was setting the speaker level higer than the mains and leaving it there. No switching for specific scenes. Not sure if this will make dialog in other scenes too loud for you, but it's worth a try. I have my center set louder than my mains.


Full Audioholic
As mentioned above, the auto EQ is hit or miss...mostly miss. You can run it, but then adjust it to your liking. What sounds good to your ear is more important that what sounded good to the auto setup mic. :D


Thanks again for all the quick replies. I think I'll probably just manually set them to my liking and just forget the auto cal settings for now.

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