!!! FotoConnection - STAY AWAY !!!
Their prices are good, but overall it's not worth it.
I've had a bunch of friends use them, and read a bunch of reviews. They are horrible.
Unless of course, you enjoy being:
Billed wrong, shipped the wrong product, being hung up on by their customer service, not getting replies to emails to customer service, taking 3-4 weeks to get your product instead of the 3-5 days they told you, items being "out of stock" / "on back order", yet they didn't bother to tell you, billed you right away, and told you it'd ship the next day, etc, etc.
RS-232c - is used for controlling the unit remotely using a 2ndary device. ie: The video projectors we use at the university I work at use AMX control systems to control the video projector using the rs-232 port. We can program it to do many things: turn it on/off, switch inputs, make image adjustments, etc. using a touch screen, buttons on the wall(old), over an ethernet connection (netlinx).
RS232 on a receiver I suspect it could be used to control the receiver using one of the nice wireless touch screens. 12" & 15" Modero Touch Panels at the bottom of the link.
Press theater, the lights dim, the receiver switches to theater mode, screen comes down, video projector starts up. Touch screen gives you an option to pick a movie to watch in your 100 disk DVD changer.