Reasons to go internet direct.....



Senior Audioholic
1. Circuit city has crap scattered everywhere and only have the micro JVC, Sony, and Bose speakers in the area with the heading "home audio". I saw exactly 4 sets of polk and infinity speakers in thier bogus home theater area. Nobody there knows what they are doing.

2. Best Buy has all speakers in one room on a shelf that is too high to listen to them at the right level. They are all powered by a budget sony receiver that has been there since 1985. They also highlight bose, and even have them set up wrong (all 5 "speakers within 4 feet of each other:D).

3. Went to one local botique store that sells Phase Tech, Def Tech, and a few other high end brands. I walked in with a tie, dressed nice and nobody even asked to help me.

4. I went to another big box store that sells higher end stuff. They have the same terrible setup as Best Buy. Nobody was there to help either. I would have loved to hear the Klipsch reference line but waited long enough for the dead end crew to stop talking amongst themselves :(.

5. I did have good luck at one PSB dealer and am still considering them.

6. I have e-mailed htd, SVS, Hsu, axiom, and ascend and received multiple, detailed responses in less than a day from all of them. They all offer a 30 day money back guarantee.

Just some humble observations from a guy who was trying to audition speakers at B&M stores but is about to give up:(



Well I happened to have similar experiences at B&m stores, and I believe we are not alone. It seems like noone cares about customer service anymore. It's really bad especially at places like BB and CC because their staff concists mostly of kids who only cares about "hanging out and getting paid". I was at first reluctant to buy from online stores. But I did it anyway. And boy, the cs is so far beyond expectations. Just to mention one store in particular, Onecall, I bought a power conditioner from them and got a follow-up call after getting my thing asking if I was satisfied. Damn I was more than satisfied. I even got a new year's card from them! That's the reason why I upgraded my speakers thru online stores also.


Audioholic Ninja
Thankfully my local stores have excellent staff. They were willing to commit several hours to my time, even though I didn't buy anything. Perhaps I have good luck. In the end, I still ended up getting my BIC speakers off Ubid and Amazon because I was too poor (and still am) to get something nice from the local stores.


Audioholic Spartan
I couldn't agree more. BB has an edge here.

I have two "high-end" shops here. One is good with great products. The other sucks with good products.

The first one is great, but snooty.

I have been in-and-out of the second one for years. They never seem to have the demo room set-up. What a joke.

I purchased my cd player from the snooty shop many years ago. The rest of my equipment was purchased online. Some gray market(I wouldn't recommend), others were great experiences.

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Full Audioholic
patnshan said:
3. Went to one local botique store that sells Phase Tech, Def Tech, and a few other high end brands. I walked in with a tie, dressed nice and nobody even asked to help me.
Well, there's your problem right there. Go into the high-end botique stores in old, faded jeans, a t-shirt, and messed-up hair. You'll have assistance before the door even closes.


Senior Audioholic
gellor said:
Well, there's your problem right there. Go into the high-end botique stores in old, faded jeans, a t-shirt, and messed-up hair. You'll have assistance before the door even closes.
I resent this! I mess up my hair on purpose, you know that's the in thing:D



I have to agree with patnshan, buying online is the only way I go now. After dealing with my local audio stores, they made me feel like a dumb kid, which I am, but they didn't have to make me feel like that. One even refused to sell me some Paradigm speakers because he said I would not be happy with the way they sounded on my HK AVR-635 and said I need a NAD amp if I was going to enjoy them at all (which of couse he sold also). Any retailers that don't support internet direct retailers I feel sorry for (Klipsch) cause thats the way the market is going and they better not be late to the party.


Audioholic Spartan
jmanlp said:
I have to agree with patnshan, buying online is the only way I go now. After dealing with my local audio stores, they made me feel like a dumb kid, which I am, but they didn't have to make me feel like that. One even refused to sell me some Paradigm speakers because he said I would not be happy with the way they sounded on my HK AVR-635 and said I need a NAD amp if I was going to enjoy them at all (which of couse he sold also). Any retailers that don't support internet direct retailers I feel sorry for (Klipsch) cause thats the way the market is going and they better not be late to the party.
I have had this happen. I love to pop-in from time-to-time so they can see my face, check stuff out, and walk.

Funny thing. The owners(2) of two places gets to see my face over and over. This has been over at least a ten year period. I think they get the point now.

People need to understand the youth is tomorrows customers. There are a bunch of dumba**es in the world.
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Audioholic Warlord
You people are going to put me out of a job! :rolleyes:



Senior Audioholic
Sheep said:
You people are going to put me out of a job! :rolleyes:


I'm pretty sure you have a nice setup that is correctly done and you treat your customers well.

If I knew where the hell Coquitlam was, maybe I'd see yuo some time:D I have been to been to Vancouver an very much enjoyed it;)



Senior Audioholic
zumbo said:
I have had this happen. I love to pop-in from time-to-time so they can see my face, check stuff out, and walk.

Funny thing. The owner of two places gets to see my face over and over. This has been over at least a ten year period. I think they get the point now.

People need to understand the youth is tomorrows customers. There are a bunch of dumba**es in the world.

I'm not even that young (33). I'm old enough to have a masters degree, two kids, and a well paying career. They still don't treat me well, so I doubt that's even it:confused:



Audioholic Warlord
patnshan said:

I'm pretty sure you have a nice setup that is correctly done and you treat your customers well.

If I knew where the hell Coquitlam was, maybe I'd see yuo some time:D I have been to been to Vancouver an very much enjoyed it;)

Coquitlam is about 15 minutes outside of Vancouver. Anyone who wants to visit me at work is more then welcome to. I work at the BestBuy neer Coquitlam Center (mall).



Audioholic Spartan
patnshan said:
I'm not even that young (33). I'm old enough to have a masters degree, two kids, and a well paying career. They still don't treat me well, so I doubt that's even it:confused:

Sorry for the misunderstanding. That particular response was to this: The quote was in the post.
jmanlp said:
I have to agree with patnshan, buying online is the only way I go now. After dealing with my local audio stores, they made me feel like a dumb kid, which I am, but they didn't have to make me feel like that. One even refused to sell me some Paradigm speakers because he said I would not be happy with the way they sounded on my HK AVR-635 and said I need a NAD amp if I was going to enjoy them at all (which of couse he sold also). Any retailers that don't support internet direct retailers I feel sorry for (Klipsch) cause thats the way the market is going and they better not be late to the party.
33-masters-well paying career-2 kids. You have been a very busy person.
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Senior Audioholic
zumbo said:
Sorry for the misunderstanding. That particular response was to this: The quote was in the post.

33-masters-well paying career-2 kids. You have been a very busy person.
No misunderstading. I used to think I was mistreated because of being young. Now, I am not so young and still cannot get good service:( That was my only point.
Take care,

The Dukester

Audioholic Chief
Maybe you need to move...or open your own Hi-Fi store! I have had both good and bad experiences in the B & M chain stores. You are correct, though, about them not being laid out as well as the specialty/local stores. As far as the local owned shops, there are some really good ones down this way (Carolinas and Geogia). Once in awhile you will come up on the snooty dealer, but most are knowledgeable, friendly and carry decent to excellent brands. Two stores in particular I deal with have been owned by the same people for 25 or more years and many of the same people still work there that were around when I first started to deal with them. Perhaps I'm the lucky one.:)
I have also had good experience with the internet folks and buy from them as well on occasion. Often times they have the product and quality I want at a better price. However, if the local guys have it at close to the same price, I prefer to keep my money in the local pockets/economy.
Hi Ho

Hi Ho

Audioholic Samurai
I have had similar experiences in the big box stores. There is one local high end shop that is very good with excellent staff that know what they're talking about. However, their prices are more than double what can be found online. I just don't have that kind of money.


Senior Audioholic
Defense of B&M stores

Online sales the way of the future?

Hmmmm. The last time I checked, online sales accounted for about 4% of the USA retail sales. One generous forecast projected 10% of retail sales by 2010.

True there are a lot of pizza's being sold in those retail sales figures, but B&M are still king.

For speciality products, such as audio equipment, online sales are most likely a larger % than the % for all retail sales.

But are online sales of audio equipment dominate? I don't think so. Remember BB CC also conduct mail order and online sales. When BB CC starts closing stores then we can say online sales are dominate, but BB CC are opening more stores. If you were responsible for the company's $, would you open more stores if your sales were shifting to online & mail order? Think about it !

Yes customer service is a problem...

As a sales dude, I must decide whether a customer is going to generate a positive return to my investment. That sounds terrible, but it is the truth. And it happens in every field of endeavor. Just watch the hostess at Friday's... she will promptly seat you at the best table, being served by her friends, if she believes you will be a better tipper. I wonder if she gets a kick back, or just undying graditude of her friends?

For audio, if we accept the premise that audio online sales are larger % than online sale % for all retail products, the sales dudes have an even bigger responsibility for selecting profitable customers. (or selecting profitable suckers to sell the Bose set up and 50" Plasma TV for the 100 square foot viewing room)

By the way, the hostess at Friday's must absolutely hate me. I always get the sucky table by the kitchen door.
Hi Ho

Hi Ho

Audioholic Samurai
The average joe goes into Circuit City and buys a system with little or no knowledge and usually misguided advice from a salesperson.

A person like me might go and demo a product, then purchase it online for much less money. Brick and mortor stores simply cannot compete price-wise.
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
Sheep said:
Coquitlam is about 15 minutes outside of Vancouver. Anyone who wants to visit me at work is more then welcome to. I work at the BestBuy neer Coquitlam Center (mall).

so ... we go into the store looking for someone named "sheep"? :p


Audioholic Warlord
mike c said:
so ... we go into the store looking for someone named "sheep"? :p
Yep. I have already given my name in another thread. Now, go find it! :)


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