need to pick out new rear surrounds for my living room. I had Polk R15s which worked fine as rears but now that I'm moving my setup in the living room and mounting the speakers on the wall, they seem large. I was looking for Satilite speakers as the will be mounted to the wall in plain site I want them to not stand out.
I have wharfedale Diamond IIs as fronts, Pioneer center and a Mirage S12 sub. Eventually I will revamp my front speakers, but as of now i need some rears to fill out the 5.1
I was looking at Energy Take 2.2s as rears. Price seems right, they get good reviews and based on what they say its what i want. I haven't had a place i can test them out.
I was also thinking about the Athena Micras as rears. Again around the same price etc etc.
I listened to the Polk and Infinity satellite systems. I wasn't all that impressed besides maybe the larger polks. The smaller satellites were too tinny.
I seem to have trouble locating retailers that have the non big name brands on display. I either have custom installers or best buy.
Either or.. I think I'm leaning towards the energys as they have deeper bass response.
I listened to the Polk and Infinity sattilite systems. I wasn't all that impressed besides maybe the larger polks which were adequite, but not impressive. The smaller sattilites were too tinny.
Any thoughts?