I've been thinking about building a sub to put under my couch for a while and ran across these threads in my search.
(slightly garbled since it's my first post and I can't post urls)
They describe basically the same thing I'm looking to do, so I thought I'd join and get some expert advice
The max exterior dimensions I've got are 26"x62"x5", so I've got ~3 cu feet, or 85L, of space, but only ~3.5" of interior height to work with.
After modeling just about every under 3" depth driver out there in winISD the Earthquake SWS 10" and 12" and JL 13TW5 are the only ones that work with the dimensions I've got. Since the JL is twice the price, earthquake it is!
I modeled the SWS-10" as a vented sub tuned to 25Hz and it was basically linear to 30Hz with a -3dB at 22.7.
The suggestion in the other thread was to use the SWS-12 as a sealed system, but it doesn't look like it goes nearly as deep when I modeled it.
My question is which would work better with the driver so close to the back wall, sealed 12" or vented 10"?
I'm leaning towards the 10" vented...but having never built a sub I don't really know what I'm doing.
I'm also looking at oaudio's bash amps to power it since I've heard good things about them and the price and dimensions are right.
Thanks for the advice!
Fs = 28.45 Hz
Qms = 5.02
Vas = 51.5 liters
Xmax = 28 mm
Sd = 330 sq.cm
Qes = .51
Re = 3.7 ohms
Z = 4 ohms
BL = 22.095 Tm
Pe = 200 watts
Qts = 0.46
2.83-V SPL = 88.2 dB
(pulled from one of the linked threads)
Fs = 24 Hz
Qms = 3.56
Vas = 149.6 liters
Cms = 0.375 mm/N
Mms = 117.3 g
Rms = 4.967 kg/s
Xmax = 31 mm
Xmech = 42 mm
P-Dia = 259.8 mm
Sd = 530 sq.cm
P-Vd = 1.643 liters
Qes = 0.515
Re = 3.7 ohms
Z = 4 ohms
BL = 10.6 Tm
Pe = 600 watts
Qts = 0.45
no = 0.387 %
1-W SPL = 88.03 dB
2.83-V SPL = 89.4 dB