RBH Speakers and Emotiva



Hi !

I just sold my JBL Synthesis Three, it was ok, but I expected much more...

So I have some cash and I read the "What to buy" and read some impressive reviews of Emotiva processor and amplifiers (whenever they launch the new processor or AV) and the RBH speakers Signature Series.

I am lloking for something that really makes the money worth (like everybody else, I assume). The JBL did not achieve that and the Proac response 3.5 that I still own is not HT.

The room that I have is 19 * 28 * 8, I will start buliding it very soon, so I am reading every review that I can find. If you think this or other gear for the same price will be a good match for the room size that I gave you I would appreciate.

BTW I do not mind buying used equipment, in fact I love it !!

Thanks in advance,



Audioholic Ninja
Hola! Since you live in Spain. Paella, muy deliciosa! That's a nice size room you're constructing, but not overly huge.

What was it about the JBL Synthesis system that you didn't like? It's difficult to say whether the RBH system would meet your expectations or not since it's your ears that are listening to them. I have a feeling that most people would prefer the RBHs over the JBLs, but you never know.

You may be able to purchase an SVS Pb13-Ultra in Europe and would be a great foundation for the rest of the speaker setup no matter what speakers you decide to purchase.

Do you still have the Denon AVC-A1SRA? That's a great receiver and will power any speaker system that you would probably purchase.
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Well, thanks for your answer.

I am still constructing the home and the HT is the priority, it does not matter if we do not have a kitchen, but HT sure we do.

The system that I am running right now is:

1) Halo C1 as a processor
2) Parasound, 7 * 125 as amplifier
3) Proac Response 2.5 as Front
4) Proac CC1 as Center.
5) Some Proac as 2 surrounds

I really do not know if it means any impromevent to buy Axiom or RBH or Emotiva.

After selling the JBL I must admit that the system that I have right now sounds much better, but of course the JBL is much more complicated to tune.

It is not easy to make up my mind whether I should invest again, well it happens to all of us I guess.

Take care and thanks,



By the way

The subw that I am using is the Velodyne, I think something like CHT 12R,

The Dukester

Audioholic Chief
I can't say mcuh about the Proac speakers as I have not heard them but can comment on the RBH as I own those and am using them in my Ht setup. I am using 1044SE, 44SE and a 441SE and I really like them. They are far superior to the PSB speakers I used for several years. They sound good on HT as well as music. I auditioned several speakers and bought those. For HT only, look at Klipsch if you like bright sounding speakers.

Much will depend on your room, though, so be aware of that. If you use the Klipsch especially, you will want to make sure you have carpet, soft furniture, perhaps some drapes, etc. If you have a hard room with wood floors, etc, then they will really sound bright with those horn type tweeters.

I took a quick glance at the Halo processor and it seems as though it has distance and level settings for the speakers but not equalization. If that is the case, then I would highly recommend getting a processor or receiver that has room correction built in. I did not put a whole lot of stock in that untill I bought a Yamaha that had it in there. Wow! Did it ever make a difference! Spend money on the new Emotiva unit you are looking at or get something else if it suits you, but get something with room correction!;) You may even want to wait on purchasing new speakers until you do this as you may find out that the ones you have will suit your needs. If not, then look hard at the RBH units as well as any other you can audition.

The only bad thing about listening to speakers at different times is that your hearing memory is very quick to disappear. You just have a really hard time comparing speakers when you can't switch from one to the other quickly and when they are not level matched. Also different rooms will cause even the same speaker to sound completely different. If at all possible, get them into your home for the weekend to play with them in your room.:)

Good luck and enjoy your theatre!


Audioholic Ninja
I did some research on the Proac speakers and they seem to be an exceptional performer. Since you like their sound, I see no reason to change them for your theatrical audio.

If the Parasound amp (125W) can push the Proacs to your desired theatrical listening levels without detriment, great. Otherwise an upgrade to the amp may be worthwhile. Something in the 200W to 300W range would be my choice.

I forgot to ask if this will be a dedicated HT space? If so, and even if not, then if you prefer deep, visceral impact for your HT experience I suggest an upgrade of the subwoofer. Maybe consider a dual setup.

If you’re not already planning acoustic treatment for the room, this is where you should put some of that extra money.


Audioholic Jedi
I agree with the importance of the room itself.

The importance of the "Room EQ" in the processor depends on the room. For me, the Denon AVR-5308CI's Room EQ does absolutely nothing. I actually prefer the sound with the EQ turned OFF completely. I suppose if you have a "terrible sounding" room, the EQ may help. I'm just not a fan of EQs and Tone Controls.

I think the Parasound 125 WPC amp is more than enough for your room size and speakers.

The Halo C1 is a fine processor. And with universal players like the upcoming Oppo (blu-ray, SACD, DVDA) player that can internally decode TrueHD & DTS-HD MA, you don't really "need" a new processor.

Of course, as I know too well, it is a lot more FUN to buy new toys.:D

But, I think you don't "need" a new amp or pre-pro.

You just "need" the Oppo universal BD player and (maybe) new speakers.:D


Well, thank you guys.

It is not easy to buy new equipment, but, i will probably invest money in room treatment, surrounds and subwoofers. The Proac Speakers are quite good and in Europe there is no way I can test Rbh or Axiom that are brands that deliver to Europe.

Thanks for the recommendations and in a couple of weeks I will start my "hunting" for the surrounds and sw let´s see what I can fin on the web.

Take care and TY


Your Pro Ac's are amazing speakers. I mixed a 3x platinum dvd for Volcano Island records on the Pro Ac's and they got the studio monitor down right. I would not get rid of them at all. I would try room treatments first. Those speakers don't need any eq's or the like added to them as they are super flat. Great speakers you have there and I would enjoy them for years.....


Audioholic Samurai
I'm not the most versed Audioholic around, but I love my RBH Signature series speakers. I'm driving them with a Marantz 8001, and they work well in my 21'x11'x8' room.

I'll echo others though, and say that the room is 50% of what you hear. A little well thought out treatment will go a long ways in increasing your enjoyment of the room.

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