I can't say mcuh about the Proac speakers as I have not heard them but can comment on the RBH as I own those and am using them in my Ht setup. I am using 1044SE, 44SE and a 441SE and I really like them. They are far superior to the PSB speakers I used for several years. They sound good on HT as well as music. I auditioned several speakers and bought those. For HT only, look at Klipsch if you like bright sounding speakers.
Much will depend on your room, though, so be aware of that. If you use the Klipsch especially, you will want to make sure you have carpet, soft furniture, perhaps some drapes, etc. If you have a hard room with wood floors, etc, then they will
really sound bright with those horn type tweeters.
I took a quick glance at the Halo processor and it seems as though it has distance and level settings for the speakers but not equalization. If that is the case, then I would highly recommend getting a processor or receiver that has room correction built in. I did not put a whole lot of stock in that untill I bought a Yamaha that had it in there. Wow! Did it ever make a difference! Spend money on the new Emotiva unit you are looking at or get something else if it suits you, but get something with room correction!

You may even want to wait on purchasing new speakers until you do this as you may find out that the ones you have will suit your needs. If not, then look hard at the RBH units as well as any other you can audition.
The only bad thing about listening to speakers at different times is that your hearing memory is very quick to disappear. You just have a really hard time comparing speakers when you can't switch from one to the other quickly and when they are not level matched. Also different rooms will cause even the same speaker to sound completely different. If at all possible, get them into your home for the weekend to play with them in
your room.
Good luck and enjoy your theatre!