Hello, ive just recently gotten into home audio and i got a great deal on a set of lightly used fm-45s,a set of wm-30, and a set of mm-4s with stands (im to new to post any links unfortunately) . I payed 300 for all 6 and they all work and look great. Now my biggest concern is that my reciever isnt powerful enough. How do i know? Im Currently using an onkyo tx- 676. Im just starting off and wanna make sure im doing this right; I still havent decided on a center speaker. My last concern was; are these speakers still any good? Did i mess and buy outdated technology? Would ihave been better off just buying the reference series from best buy? (First set up remember) Also he had these in storage for the past 3-4 years. Should i take any precautions? Ill gladly take any advice. Thanks to anyone who was able to read through this