Would you post a couple of informative links on exercise? I'd like to learn stuff in general but my primary objective is gut be gone.
Exercise - depends on what you're trying to achieve. Lots of heavy weights will build up strength (and muscle mass, assuming you're eating enough to build tissue) but won't do much for cardiovascular fitness.
There's a saying that diet is 80% exercise, and exercise is 80% diet. Basicially, they go hand-in-hand if you want results.
The first thing to remember is that you have a basic body shape that's defined by your genetics, and expecting massive changes is only going to lead to heartache.
If you want to reduce body fat, then I'd recommend looking at your diet - see if you can eat plenty but reduce calories. A great way of doing this to try to reduce fats - e.g. a huge plate of brown rice with a grilled tuna steak, any maybe some steamed vegetables will be very filling, very good for you, but contain relatively little fat, and will have less calories than something smothered in a rich sauce. Cut out snacking on high fat products like chocolate bars - try fruit instead.
Combine that with long, moderate exercise - e.g. brisk walking, cycling, rowing etc. Start low, and build up duration. Raise the heart rate a little, but don't go crazy. Each week, build up the duration just a little, and maybe the intensity (but always keep it down to a level where you feel you could continue for a long time). Remember to take on plenty of water as you exercise.
You can't spot reduce, but by doing this you will lower your body fat percentage, you'll be more aerobically fit, have better endurance, and feel better too.