Radio Shack SPL Meter



<font color='#000000'>I know this site uses Sencore measuring tools because of their accuracy, but I don’t want to spend that much for a SPL meter. &nbsp;I’m looking for a cheaper alternative.

There have been several discussions on the net regarding the analog Radio Shack SPL meter. &nbsp;Some people say that it is not accurate enough to properly set speaker levels (especially bass below 100 hz).

Is there any truth to this? &nbsp;

Is the digital Radio Shack SPL meter more accurate (or should I say accurate enough)? &nbsp;

Are there any alternatives for about $200 that offer substantial improvement over the Radio Shack meters?

Any input would be greatly appreciated. &nbsp;

Thank you for your time.



Republican Poster Boy
<font color='#000000'>Either one of the radio shack meters is fine for measuring SPL, no need to spend a lot of money.</font>
<font color='#000080'>Considering most people never bother with SPL meters, you will be lightyears ahead by having one at all. I use the digital - be sure to set it to slow response.

If I had to do it over, I may select the analogue as it would be easier to read. The needle is better than the digital number, IMO.

I have not heard that one is 'more accurate' over the other, but I suppose I could test that.</font>


<font color='#000000'>Brian: &nbsp;Just by coincidence I just bought a Radio Shack meter.
I chose the digital ($49.00) but there was one analog in the display case ($39.00), so some stores do have the older models.

You mentioned measuring low freqs in your post. &nbsp;It's worth reading the following at the SVS site since their entire business is producing subs:

See item #10 in the FAQs.

Rip Van Woofer

Rip Van Woofer

Audioholic General
<font color='#000000'>Sheesh, isn't it obvious? You use the analog one for testing with vinyl, and the digital one for testing with CDs!

And you call yourselves audiophiles!?!
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Republican Poster Boy
<font color='#000000'>Oh great, so when the new quantum nuclear laser amps become available what are we going to use to calibrate them if all we have is a choice of analog or digital?
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Rip Van Woofer

Rip Van Woofer

Audioholic General
<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>
jeffsg4mac : <font color='#000000'>Oh great, so when the new quantum nuclear laser amps become available what are we going to use to calibrate them if all we have is a choice of analog or digital?
<font color='#000000'>The Van Woofer Quantum Laser SPL Meter and Personal Teleporter! Coming soon to a Best Buy near you!</font>
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<font color='#000000'>I’d like to thank everyone for their posts. &nbsp;I really appreciate the info (great link – I like the info at the SVS website). &nbsp;It looks like I’ll be heading down to Radio Shack to grab one of their meters.

Thanks again.



<font color='#000000'>Most people prefer the analog meter, because it's easier to deal with the needle in the vu meter, than trying to keep up with and read the digital numbers jumping from one to the next............</font>

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