What they need to do is produce good AND reliable products, or they are a shipwreck and not a flagship.
Poor reliability is a drag on this hobby. That does not need to happen. Car audio systems hardly ever fail these days. That is because they are integral with many of the cars vital systems and are almost impossible to replace or repair. So all these premature failures do not have to happen.
The failure rate of AV electronics is not acceptable. It is totally avoidable.
You are absolutely correct!
The demands of the automotive industry are absolutely driving the Quality Metrics across the semi-conductor industry. The most recent standards that the semi-con industry follow are indeed published by the auto industry.
Historically, semi-con failures were counted in the Parts Per Million (or even PPB) range, and that was the metric.
However, today EACH INDIVIDUAL CHIP FAILURE becomes a quality blip on the silicon manufacturer, each individual failure will come back as a customer quality incident and will be investigated fully.
ZERO DEFECTS is absolutely the goal and expectation at this point.
To be clear, it isn't specific to the infotainment chips either. Every single chip in every single car is held to the same standard.