As much as I've been trying to avoid it on principle (The main one is that I'm cheap!) but I've noticed that, over the past few weeks, the bar where the lovely Mrs W and I have dinner at least once a week has been playing just killer classic rock. Not one song every now and then, but virtually every song is just what I needed.
I persuaded the waitress to let me peek my head into the electronics closet and there I found XM receiver tuned to channel 83.
Now, we're pretty ready to jump into it but I have some questions and I trust you guys (and gals, should any be present) as opposed to the brain dead zombies that wear the blue polo shirts.
I know I need a license and it'll cost about $13/month.
How many receivers can this license support? I can justify one for the home and a portable unit to switch between cars or, if doable, a receiver for each car, but I do NOT want to pay for more than one license. Is this do-able?
If not, those little ones DO have a headphone jack, don't they? Since all cars and the home unit have aux in's I could go that route rather than hold multiple licenses, although it's not the most elegant. Remember, I'm cheap!
Yeah, I know the hardware for each car will cost a bit but that's a one time expense that I could live with.