So, I decided on the squeezebox for my source. Now, I only have a mac. I don't feel like I am hardcore enough to figure out how to utilize flac on the Mac. if you know of a simple way, please tell me. So i'm looking at apple lossless versus aac 320kbps versus aac 160kbps. Now, on this system...
pair of av123 Ref 1.5 towers
ULW-10 woofer (av123)
H/k 3480 reciever
Will I notice a difference between lossless versus 320? 320 versus 160?
I want the best sound I can get. There are some shortcomeings to my abilities though with only a mac laptop as my server for the squeezebox, so memory and formats are limited. If lossless will sound significantly better, is there like an external drive that is fairly affordable and would work well with the squeezebox/mac etc. THANKS.