Stupid question here. Are some movies mixed extremely hot sound-level wise?
A couple of blu-rays come to mind, Master and Commander, and the new Tron Legacy.
Most movies I can run on my rig with the subs set at +2.0 dB in the channel level settings, preamp master volume at 0.0 dB reference level. However, the above 2 movies, I have to turn master volume on preamp down to -5.0 to -7.0 dB or I fear I'll have to pick my sub drivers off of the floor because of the distortion. Is it a good rule of thumb to just feel out each source material before you really dial it in? While most scenes are comfortable and distortion free at ref level, one scene, like the cannon battles in master in commander, will leave my speakers begging for mercy with no warning.
Is this just the way some movies get mixed or does it sound like I have something setup incorrectly.