I'm planning on using my 2400 as a preamp. It preout level is 1.0v
I'm assuming that means that it won't fully, or adequately drive a 1.2 or 1.5V sensetivity "for rated watts" of the B&K ST-120 or ST2140. ?
If I'm correct, I'm pretty much stuck with a Rotel rb1070 1.0v
or something like an NAD or maybe a Parasound. Well, anything with input of 1.0v or less.
Is this correct? Or if I hooked up a 1.2V(input) B&K amp to my 1.0V(output) Yammie would I even notice the difference?
Comments on that comparison too? I'm going to use amp to drive Klipcsh RF-5s. Anyone heard Rotel with those, or similar?
I really like the sound of the B&K. I've not heard the Rotel.
I've barely talked my wife into an amp. She loves the music, but the space...
I don't think a preamp is an option at this juncture.