<font color='#000000'>I posted this question over on AVS Forum and the Home Theater forum but haven't had any luck with answers. I figured with all the hub-bub here lately with the 'DA4ES, someone might be able to weigh in, so here goes:
I just got my new receiver this past weekend, and I have noticed a fair amount of hiss through the speakers at high volumes with using a DSP mode (like dts:neo-6 or DPL-II) with an analog-only input or when an input is forced to analog mode. For example, if I set the receiver to the TAPE input, it's dead quiet (unless I crank it to -10 dB or higher, when I can hear just a bit of analog noise). However, if I turn DPL-II or something similar on at this high volume setting, then the hiss volume rises substantially. Of course, this is at very high volumes and isn't generally noticable in normal listening -- there hasn't been a source playing when I noticed the hiss. Plus, it's easily avoided, because I don't hear any additional noise when using DSP modes with a digital signal!
What I'm wondering is if this is normal. All of my older Sony receivers (STR-DA50ES and STR-D915) exhibit similar behavior, so I think it's just the nature of the beast. Still, my mind is on it now, and I probably will never use DPL-II or similar processing modes with analog-only sources.
FWIW, I'm running Klipsch Reference speakers all around which are very sensitive and thus revealing.
If you own a 'DA4ES, please check for this hiss before you reply and say you can't hear it...it's something you wouldn't likely notice unless specifically checking for it, as I doubt many people are frequently applying DPL-II or similar algorithms to non-digital sources.
As a bit of an update, I just got finished comparing the DSP/analog noise (using my Rat Shack SPL meter) from my old 'DA50ES to the noise from my 'DA4ES and they both are very, very comparable at max volume. I have to believe that my 'DA4ES is performing properly based on my measurements and based on another user's observations