Quad 303 power amp - low volts



Hello all - first post here.

I have recently been given a Quad 303 power amp which doesn't work. According to a sticker, it was serviced by Quad in 1984. I know that it was in regular use up until about a year ago but it has been in storage since then. When I got it, it was covered in dust but other than that, it appears to be in pristine condition. The four large capacitors are have their connections facing up and aren't leaking. There don't appear to be any scorch marks on the PCBs.

Based on some notes that I downloaded, I checked the voltage between connections 1 & 9 on the driver PCBs - it was just 26V. I tried increasing this by adjusting the pot on the PSU PCB - the maximum I can get is only about 29V - with a range of 25V to 29V.

Can anyone suggest what I am likely to have to replace and what I might expect the costs to be?

The amp is built like a tank and I would very much like to get it working again.


  • RBHsound.com
  • BlueJeansCable.com
  • SVS Sound Subwoofers
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