funked up

funked up

I've decided that I am going to buy a PS3. Mostly because of the reviews about the excellent blu-ray capabilities. The gaming will also be sweet. Is threre any reason to believe the price of a PS3 will drop anytime in the near future?


Audioholic Jedi
I've heard rumors of a 360 promotion coming up, so if there was a price drop coming, it could be due to that.


i think they just had a 100 dollar price cut like a couple months ago..dont see it getting any cheaper then 399 maybe MAYBE 349


Audioholic Spartan
Sony has confirmed that there will be no price reduction.


Audioholic Jedi
Either way, I'd pick one up before the free movie deal ends on Jan 31.


Full Audioholic
There is a new rumor out that they are discontinuing the 80 gig model and making a 120 and 160 gig model that will include the SIXAXIS rumble controller. It will be the same price as the 80 gig model.


Audioholic Warlord
I don't think that's a rumor, but is pretty much confirmed as accurate. no longer has the 80GB model in stock which is a good indicator that something is going on with that line of products. They are, apparently, still going to maintain two SKUs, but the 40GB model is sticking around while the 80GB one is getting upgraded.

As far as a price drop - it's all rumor and remember: WB was going to stay format neutral.... right up to the point they decided not to. There will be no price cut on PS3 right up until the day the price cut happens. They aren't stupid: You do NOT announce a price cut weeks ahead of time, you do it the day of the cut.


WOW 600 that sucks lol..and another thing that sucks is them upgrading just after i bought one! arrrr:D

cheapskete OCer

or you can go to sign up for the credit card with 0% financing for 1 year and get a $100 credit on your first purchase from the store of $299 and up like i did and get the 40g ps3 for 299 with free shipping
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funked up

funked up

or you can go to sign up for the credit card with 0% financing for 1 year and get a $100 credit on your first purchase from the store of $299 and up like i did and get the 40g ps3 for 299 with free shipping
Thats sounds like a good deal. Only I have to many credit cards as it is. But, maybe one more wouldn't hurt, hmmmm, might have to think about this one.

cheapskete OCer

its to bad you missed the 5 free movies rebate . it ended on the 1/31 the day i ordered mine, it still comes with spider man 3, beings the cheapest blu ray player that is out is 400 bucks, unless you want one from ebay that will not be covered by a manufacturers warranty this was a easy choice for me, i also bought a toshiba hd player when they were on sale for 98.86 at wally world so i now have both format players each with 5 free dvds for the price of 1 ps3...yay


I'd get a 360 and good blu ray player that can bitstream audio to your reciever so your reciever does the decoding.

cheapskete OCer

i bought a 360 on day 1,the ps3 is one of the best blu ray players out, as of now it does not decode dts hd ma but it decodes dd+ dd true hd, i dont mind the players doing the decoding, not everyone has a reciever that has the decoding of the new formats on it, although i did order a onkyo 705 last week :)


Audioholic Field Marshall
I'd get a 360 and good blu ray player that can bitstream audio to your reciever so your reciever does the decoding.
I've only found 1 player on the market that does this right now- The Pioneer elite BDP-95F which is retailing for $1000 these days... for that amount of money you could buy the 360 and a PS3 and have money left over for games.

I really don't think the lack of bitstreaming is such a big deterrent to buying a PS3 right now if you really want one. The AQ on the lossless audio transfer is excellent- and yes, I can definitely hear a difference between lossless tracks and lossy DD, particularly in action movies that make heavy use of the surrounds.

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