PS2 games on PS3 surround question



Audioholic Ninja
I just picked up metal gear solid 3: subsistence for ps2 and popped it into my ps3 to get the game going. When it loaded up and I started game play I noticed it was only playing in stereo. After searching in the games options I noticed dolby digital was turned on so I tried to switch my receiver to dolby and nothing it wont let me.

I currently have my ps3 hooked up to the denon 3806, set to auto detect, via hdmi and am running both audio and video through it. This is the first ps2 game I have tried out on the ps3 so I am not sure if it doesn't run the dolby via hdmi, but that just makes no sense.

I have searched online a little but am kind of confused. Is there something I am missing to get the game to play properly?


Audioholic Jedi
You need to have it set to bitstream rather than LPCM for one thing, and you have to check some other settings. I couldn't get DTS to work until I turned AAC option off. I didn't have any problems with God of War 2 (which has very good sound BTW), Okami, Resident Evil 4, etc... but I have not tried MGS3. You also need to set MGS 3 for PLII output; there is no 5.1 track available on it.


Audioholic Ninja
I just changed my BD/DVD settings to output bitstream audio over HDMI and it still does not seem to be working. Under sound options in audio output AAC is turned off.

Would this be the proper setting for me to leave the ps3 on or should I switch it back to LPCM?


Audioholic Jedi
I think you want LPCM for movies. I'll have to try MGS3 tonight to see what is going on. Like I said, I haven't had any problems with PS2 games, though I am also not using HDMI for audio, I am using optical (receiver doesn't have HDMI).


Audioholic Ninja
Thanks a lot. I looked and didn't see any bitstream options for games only movies which I thought should be LPCM since my receiver doesn't do anything high-def.

I tried playing around with the options more tonight but I just couldn't figure it out. Again, thanks for the help.


Audioholic Ninja
So I just called sony support and after a long time explainging to them how my receiver does support these audio formats and that with the settings I have the ps3 set to it should be doing the decoding not my receiver anyways I was told that metal gear solid 3 only supports pro logic II during the cut scenes and not in game play.

That being said I guess I know they are useless now, any ideas out there?


Audioholic Jedi
That is normal for most PS2 games... There are only a handful of games that have true surround encoding during in game play. It seems to behave like any of the other games for me. You are just spoiled by the great surround on the PS3 games :)


Audioholic Ninja
Well that explains my problem. Sorry to send you on a wild goose hunt. Thanks for the help the Sony rep was rather cryptic about it so I was rather confused.

Also, damn these next gen consoles, I was going to catch up on some games I missed but now its so hard with the amazing quality of the new ones!


Audioholic Jedi
Yup. MGS3 is still an excellent game, probably one of the most innovative I've seen. A little weird like MGS2, but a lot of fun stuff.

I was actually playing it again last night because of all the fun memories... I set it to PLII and then set the receiver to do PLII and it did a decent job of decoding.


Audioholic Ninja
I have my PS3 doing all the processing instead of the receiver. Just seems easier since I use it mainly for blu-ray and ps3 games as well as MGS3 and my receiver does not to HD decoding because of this I can't set my receiver to PLII, its stuck on Multi-Ch In.

Been really good so far, much better than 2 (I didn't like 2 that much). I was just used to the surround during in game play given by ps3 games. I've had it less than a month and have already been spoiled :(.


Audioholic Jedi
I liked the first half of 2, then it got kind of goofy... This one holds up a lot longer story level wise, but it does get a bit odd at times. It has some of the coolest boss fights so far for me though. Ones that I just want to play again and again...


Audioholic Spartan
Is MGS 3, Snake Eater? If so, that one was definitely cool. I really enjoyed hunting animals and eating them.


Audioholic Jedi
Yep, that is Snake Eater. Some really funny stuff. Like if you are in the "cure" menu and you spin him around a lot, when you come out of the menu, he will toss his cookies...if you don't have any medicine after eating something that went bad, you can do this. This is the attention to detail, the really weird little extra things, that really make this game so unique and so deep in terms of play. You can approach most situations in many different ways, so the experience varies every time you play it. The bonus "Snake vs Monkey" games were hilarious and fun too. I bought the Subsistence edition thinking I would be able to use my saved games only to find that I would have to replay the whole thing....doh.

Mine also plays in 4:3 mode on the PS3, while all my other games play wide? Did I miss a setting somewhere? Wasn't there a 16:9 mode on that one?

If you haven't checked it out, Okami is also an excellent game for the PS2. It took me 62 hrs to complete and I still didn't find everything. Great story, great game play, but the funky way people talk was kind of annoying.


Audioholic Ninja
You must be missing something. My Snake eater plays in 16:9. Not to sure why though, I havent seen any settings about screen size.


Audioholic Jedi
The funny thing is, this is the only PS2 game that did this to me. The only setting I saw for the game was screen position adjustment. I'll have to play around with it and see what is going on.

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