Anything is possible, but I can't say where they are. But, ultimately, I wouldn't get my hopes up. The standby light should go off after a few seconds during the initialization procss. and you should hear a click when it's ready to go. Also, the display should show a rolling "audio video receiver" or some such while the light is flashing. If not, there may be other problems.
First off, Google "Denon AVTR-2802 manual" and download one. You're gonna need it. Without that, don't bother with steps two and three. I have a 2802 that I bought NIB in '03. I still refer to it even today.
Second, one must go through a fairly comprehensive setup procedure before you'll get anything at all out of this thing. I'm not sure how you would accomplish this without a remote but I can definitely tell you that running a composite video cable to a TV helps tremendously.
Finally, what source are you selecting? If there's no signal, you'll get nothing out. Hookup a wire to the FM antenna and go to a known local station frequency. At least then you'll know you have a source.