I have two sets of questions -
The first - I don't know if this is a speaker issue, a TV issue or I am an idiot - but I just bought a set of Monitor 7 v5s and PDR 12 - came home and hooked them up - red to red (only to state the obvious), there are two sets of hook-ups on the 7s - I used the top set (does it matter?) etc... and placed them on either side of the TV - a sony trinitron rear projection 36 inch - about 8-10 inches away. Almost immediately the colors on the screen turned green and purple. The closer to the set, the worse it got - at about 15 inches or so from the screen, the problem seems to go away. The sub does not seem to bother
Either I somehow hooked these things up wrong, in which case I am an idiot - or these speakers naturally create some kind of field that screws up the color on the TV set - thoughts please?
The second - my wife burns CDs on her MAC and I tried playing them on a Toshiba CD/DVD player - it would not play it at all - I am guessing the Toshiba - a model 7 years old or so, does not recognize the materials? SO I switched CD players to some newer cheap Sanyo I got for $40, and while it plays the CDs, I can only get the sound to come out of one side of the speakers (that is the case with both burned CDs and store bought CDs) - has anyone encountered this? Aside from just scrapping the sanyo, is there some simple fix I might be missing?
Thanks -
By the way, I am rather new to audio equipment, but I think the 7s with the PDR sounds very good, I have a center 290 coming in a week and I also grabbed atoms for the surround - I auditioned Studio 20s and 60s - and of course they are excellent - they seem to add more dimension - but since I am new, I thought it best to try these out first and potentially upgrade in a year or so - but so far so good - and the wife was also pleased.