Yamaha 5860 pricing
I second previous reply. Make sure that the dealer is an authorized Yamaha dealer. Check their website; if it's not listed, call them. Yamaha's website seems slow in updating information. I would not buy an open box receiver for any reason, especially if they are willing to give you a closed one for the same price.
If you have too many doubts and it doesn't pan out, you might consider getting it online from B&H, an authorized Yamaha dealer. I got mine for $324 (excluding shipping); it came in three days as promised.
Unfortunately, my wife has not allowed me to set it up yet, since it's my birthday present.
My relationship with it shows all the symptoms of severe infatuation. Its beautiful face is always on my mind, everytime I walk by it, I cast longing looks in its direction, sometimes uttering a sigh or two, I don't eat much, and sleep fitfully...and the dreams, oh the dreams....
Have fun shopping, and take the time to make the right choice. Anticipation is half the fun.