I have a full 5.0 all Totem setup and these are prices today:
Totem Mite (bookshelfs)- $695 a pair
Totem Mite-T (centre) - $595 single
Totem Sttaf (towers) - $1,795 a pair
You won't find Totems on a lot of sites as they deal through audio-only dealers for the most part. I was able to negociate price with my dealer.= The prices I quoted are in Canadian $$.
Check audiogon.com or CanuckAudioMart.com as I've seen several guys selling Totems there.
For the record...Totems are an amazing speaker. Very much underrated. If you enjoy 2-channel audio they are one of the best speaker brands you can find. Great soundstage, presence, very warm and a lot of bass for their size.
Of course I'm not biased
