Price of Sony NPG Leaked?



Audioholic Samurai
There has been mass speculation as to what the price of Sony's next handheld would be. Some Gamestop employee took upon himself to release a screenshot of the POS database which was posted on the companies Facebook page but has since been removed, it's listed at $299.99 which is $50 more than the Nintendo 3DS also if you look to the far left you will see it say release date 1/1/12. Sony has said that the NPG(PSP2) would be released this year around the holiday season, which begs the question real or fake? So what do you guys think is this price reasonable for Sony's NPG?


Audioholic Spartan
It's too much if you ask me, that's what a PS3 costs.


Senior Audioholic
more than likely fake.
1) sony is historicly tight lipped about hardware until final dev stage, meaning a sept.-nov. date is a 95% certain.
2) they also have always taken losses on cost vs. intitial product msrp, but not by that much. Sources point at a production/distribution cost of nearly $400 per unit, expect to be $329-379 area. Unless they get real ballsy about how feauture packed and cutting edge it is and see it at$399.

Looking at portable markets, look how much people shell out (me included) for smart phones and tablets.


Audioholic Samurai
more than likely fake.
1) sony is historicly tight lipped about hardware until final dev stage, meaning a sept.-nov. date is a 95% certain.
2) they also have always taken losses on cost vs. intitial product msrp, but not by that much. Sources point at a production/distribution cost of nearly $400 per unit, expect to be $329-379 area. Unless they get real ballsy about how feauture packed and cutting edge it is and see it at$399.

Looking at portable markets, look how much people shell out (me included) for smart phones and tablets.

Here are some specs that Sony released some time back


* 5-inch OLED touch screen

* Touch pad on the back of the PSP2

* Dual analog sticks

* Two cameras (front and back)

* Game titles on flash memory cards

* Three motion sensors, gyroscope, accelerometer and electronic compass

* Wi-Fi and 3G network connectivity

* PlayStation Network access, including LiveArea, Near and Activity log features Trophy Support

* Play PSP titles, minis, PS one classics, video and comics from the PlayStation Store.

Tech Specs

CPU ARM Cortex -A9 core (4 core)


External Dimensions

Approx. 182.0 x 18.6 x 83.5mm (width x height x depth)

Consider this for a moment, Sony took a $300+ loss for every PS3 sold until the middle of last year, a $299 MSRP doesn't surprise me would I buy one no, not because of price just for the fact I'm too old to be playing on a portable like a teen. Nothing worse than watching some old guy sitting in public playing on a handheld :D

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