I am building the 4pi with dual flanking subs and 2pi for surround. Would this set up work well? (4pi's have all the upgrades to components)
Marantz AV7005 Pre-Amp Processor 7.2
dual mono block 200w Emotiva for L and R front speakers
5x200 Emotiva power amp for subs and surround
I would run both subs on the power amp with the channels connected to the sub 1 and sub 2 and run 2 more channels for the surrounds L and R
I can choose crossover frequency's for all channels and plan to set the crossover freq. for the subs using this method instead of low pass crossovers.
My question is, is this a good idea? If not, how should I set this up? I am looking to spend 4K max to power these speakers. I am using this system for both stereo and movies.