pre amp/ power amp setup question with passive subs



I am building the 4pi with dual flanking subs and 2pi for surround. Would this set up work well? (4pi's have all the upgrades to components)

Marantz AV7005 Pre-Amp Processor 7.2
dual mono block 200w Emotiva for L and R front speakers
5x200 Emotiva power amp for subs and surround

I would run both subs on the power amp with the channels connected to the sub 1 and sub 2 and run 2 more channels for the surrounds L and R

I can choose crossover frequency's for all channels and plan to set the crossover freq. for the subs using this method instead of low pass crossovers.

My question is, is this a good idea? If not, how should I set this up? I am looking to spend 4K max to power these speakers. I am using this system for both stereo and movies.


The Emotiva amp (assumed to be the XPA-5 and UPA-1s?) can power the subwoofers just fine - there isn't a difference between watts intended for the main speakers and watts intended for the subwoofer.

The only issues I could see stem from:
- not having enough power - 200 watts (300 into 4 ohms) is tons of power for the other speakers even as you start to approach reference level but some passive subwoofers are really power hungry and could use 1000 watts or more.
- the subwoofer being of too low impedance - if the subwoofers are 2ohms in resistance (rare but possible) the emotiva may have issues with providing power to them. It could even go so far as to shut down and go into protect mode.

If you could provide the brand/model of the subs you are using it would allow us to provide more directed feedback about the potential issues listed above.


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Audioholic Jedi
I have dual RBH SX-1010N passive subs. They are 4 ohms. They only require 200 Watts into 4 ohms.

I'm using 200wpc/8ohm amps. I have to turn the sub level on my Denon all the way down to -12.0 dB. The SPL level from 3 meters out is still 82dBC.

Depends on how sensitive the sub is.

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