I wasn't "busting" but informing.
Oh I know...I was just kiddin'.
And yeah, I agree with you totally. Like I had mentioned...I had previously owned the SVS PB10, and to me, that was a monster sub...literally. That was the first real sub I had owned prior to this little 100W sony p.o.s. When I first got that home, I realized very quickly what I had been missing. Then, just for curiosities sake, I went around to different stores listening to more. The Velo SPL-R series, Martin Logan offerings, B&W's (though never got to listen to that PV-1 and I wanted to). The ML Grotto was the one that impressed me most, but I didn't have the cabbage to get it. But, the little lady was eggin' on about getting something smaller. And I could see her point. The PB10 is like an end table. So, when I saw that the SPLII series was on clearance due to the SPL-R, I knew I had to have one. It was my chance to get a $1K sub for nearly half price. And it fits the bill. Small. Stylish. And seriously, this little thing thumps. Still today, months later, I'm amazed at what it can put out. It probably wouldn't do very well in a largish room. But for my size room, it's absolutely perfect.