I live in an old mobile home,and the electrical is old and not that great,I use an APC-H15 conditioner,which I am happy with,I just bought two window ac units for the house,and now when I have them both on and my ht system on "Line Boost" comes on on the APC-H15 ,no big deal really,but to help that(besides having en electrician come out)
is there a voltage regulator/power supply or backup battery type unit that I can plug the APC-H15 into to further make the voltage better/more stable ?
or should I just let the APC-H15 do it's job ?
without spending an arm & a leg ?
something like this inline with my APC ?
The APC unit is doing its job. However as pointed out in the specs, a situation like you describe is potentially dangerous.
You should not have low voltage running a couple of air conditioners.
So you have either a high resistance in your panel which will cause heat and eventually quite likely a dangerous fire.
This problem is usually caused by corrosion where your service connects to your panel. An electrician will have to check this out.
The other possibility is that your local power company transformer is overloaded or old and failing.
The power company can check this out, but will likely only do so after an electrician has declared your electrical panel in good order.
I had just this situation a few years ago caused by winter heating load.
I was able to demonstrate to the power company, transformer core saturation. This was causing severe hysteresis distortion, crossover distortion ad higher THD in the power supplied to my home than allowed by law. This type of problem can damage not just your HT equipment, but household appliances also, and cost you a bundle.
Also the voltage drop causes your electric meter to record and bill you for more power than you actually use.
Here is the distorted wave I was receiving from the power company. In addition voltage was reduced under loading.
Here is the wave after replacing the pole transformer with a new one of larger power rating.
Get it checked and turn off your AC until you do.