dB is a logrithmic measurement
OK. Now on my old receiver, I turned the volume knob up to 11 and knew that I had maxed it out. Basically, I knew that at the halfway point it was pretty loud but not in danger of distortion.
In other words, I had a knob that gave visual and solid feedback as to how loud I wanted it without causing damage to anything.
My new one?
What the heck is -10db? Or 0db? or 10Db?
What is the comfortable halfway point? At what db level am I going to cause damage to either the unit or the speakers?f
What was wrong with a potentiometer everyone understood how to use?
I have a feeling Spinal Tap wouldn't be anywhere near as funny if he'd said, "the amp goes to 25db."
The actual setting doesn't mean as much the difference between settings. newer power scales are in a logrithmic dB scale which corresponds closer to speaker SPL (Sound Pressurelevel) increase also in dB. dB s an abbreviation for "decibel". One decibel is one tenth of a Bel, named for Alexander Graham Bell. The measurement quoted in dB describes the ratio (10 log power difference, 20 log voltage difference, etc.) between the quantity of two levels, the level being measured and a reference. To describe an absolute value, the reference point must be known.
Sound Pressure Level
The definition of dB SPL is the 20 log of the ratio between the measured sound pressure level and the reference point. This reference point is defined as 0.000002 Newtons per square meter, the threshold of hearing. However, the threshold of hearing (and sensitivity to level) changes by frequency and for soft and loud sounds, as discovered by Fletcher and Munson in 1933.
Sounds dB SPL
Rocket Launching 180
Jet Engine 140
Thunderclap, Air Raid Siren 1 Meter 130
Jet takeoff (200 ft) 120
Rock Concert, Discotheque 110
Firecrackers, Subway Train 100
Heavy Truck (15 Meter), City Traffic 90
Alarm Clock (1 Meter), Hair Dryer 80
Noisy Restaurant, Business Office 70
Air Conditioning Unit, Conversational Speech 60
Light Traffic (50 Meter), Average Home 50
Living Room, Quiet Office 40
Library, Soft Whisper (5 Meter) 30
Broadcasting Studio, Rustling Leaves 20
Hearing Threshold 0
An increase of 3dB is actual a doubling in power/sound.