Ok here are the quick statistics of the areas with pop-up advertising that I have had within the last 2 weeks.
WOW, shame on **********
The only one close (which is not close at all), is 3dgameman.com which I visit EVERY day, and it has blocked 3,215 ads.
Granted AVS is much worse, with every time you visit it will have 300 ads per visit.
I just do not visit there every day, only about 3 times a week.
Oh by all means I do know forums need revenue with advertising, so this is not a rant, just a quick showing of how much advertising there is.
And by no means is Audioholics the worst, actually they are on the lower end.
Another bad place with each time you click is HighDefDigest, with something like 180 ads blocked per single click.
LOL, come on Seth, retired or not I know you are dying to chime in on this.
See pic.
EDIT; my bad, it was 3,315 ads. (see second pic)