I understand Active bi-amping using a electronic crossover setup custom for the speakers and room as the best setup with difficult tuning being the draw back. Line level to the speaker amp location and only the frequency needed by the driver being amplified by the amp being the benefits.
I understand passive bi-amping using the speakers internal crossover eliminates the tough setup and might give better performance to tough to drive speakers thanks to the split up workload. However the amps are still amplifying full range signal and that is less than ideal compared to active bi-amping.
That leads me to my question. If it were possible to obtain/make line level hi and lo pass filters for RCA jacks on the amps similar to the f mods at p@rts express.
The user would have to know the crossover frequency of the bi-ampable speakers in question and place a high pass filter just below the cutoff at a parellel slope to the speakers trebble posts and a filter on the bass amp with the low pass just above and parellel slope to that of the speaker. In this setup you get the benefit of extra amps, easy setup and frequency limit what the amps see.
Is there any reason it could not be done this way? Is it any better than just going passive all the way?