There is no RTiA-10, only a -9, so it is either an A-9 or a RTi-10. Either way, they play down to around 30Hz, so you would want to cross them about 1 octave above that point or 60Hz. If the receiver you get doesn't allow you to set the crossover by speaker location (front, center, surround, etc...) then you would go with a global setting of 80Hz for the benefit of the other speakers. Setting the mains to 60Hz also means they will demand a lot more power from your receiver also though.
Even for the RTi-A3 (which I reviewed last year) would not benefit from a 100Hz x-over because it will tend to make you loose some of the lower midbass - plus they can play low enough to work with an 80Hz x-over so you don't want to "waste" a portion of the range that all of these speakers are capable of handling just fine. 60Hz would be too low for the center and surrounds though, and that would create a gap between them and the sub when they roll off before the sub starts to pick up.