New guy here. Was looking for anyone with any feedback on the Polk RM speakers as well as setup advice for surround speakers. I was thinking about using the RMs for my surrounds. I like thier small size, but was not sure if they are going to work. I am also looking at the Definitive Mytos Gems. My room has a notch so the walls are not straight, the notch is like this...
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The room is 25 feet long and 15 feet wide, with that notch going in about 2 feet(along the 25'). My TV is along the far wall (15'), there are windows along the notch wall and doors (bathroom, furnace) along the other wall.
I have had a few ideas one was to have 3-4 RM speakers for the surround, 2 on the wall and two on the ceiling. Another is 2 RMs on wall and 1 or 2 in-ceiling speakers. I have a receiver that can support 7.1, so I would like to make use of it if I can.
Any suggestions?