I've posted a couple of questions here on this forum and really appreciate everyone's input.
I have a small space for speakers and it has come down to 6 options.
1. Cube speakers from Ebenlee Audio aka Home-speaker.net - Peter Selby - not 100% sure there still in business and not sure of any prices. People say nice things about Peter and his ability but he doesn't have a user friendly web site.
2. Canton CD-1020 at $140.00 each for my left & right and a CD 150.2 $312.00 for my center.
3. Elac BS302 satellites - $699 pair - would buy another satellite for my center channel
4. Monitor Audio - Apex 10 - $394 each for L& R, Radius 200 center channel - $295
5. OrbAudio - Mod1 $125 each for LRC speakers
6. TruAudio Sat 3 -$162 each L&R, Sat3CC -$250 Center
7. I plan on buying a SVS subwoofer
I really just want to choose between these speakers due to speaker width dimension limitations.
I have a Teac AG - H550 55 watts per channel, listening area is 20x15, room size 20×40
75% TV/25% Music
Thank you,