Hi - For some reason I think I worded my previous question in a misleading manner. I'm looking to upgrade the center channel speaker in my system and would appreciate some suggestions. Ideally, I'd like to purchase something used on ebay in the neighborhood of $450 or so, which I think would equate to something that maybe a few years ago went for $750 or so new. I don't want to restrict the suggestions to that, though. If there is a center speaker that would seem to ideally fit the rest of the system, go ahead and suggest it. I'd consider purchasing new, and upping the budget considerably, though I can't imagine I'd ever go above $1200 for a new one. Here is my current system:
Pioneer PDP-433CMX Plasma display
Krell Kav-250A/250P - Pre Amp and Amp for Fronts
B&W Matrix 803 Series 2 - Front Speakers
Rotel RB-985 5 Channel Amp
Energy XL-C - Center speaker
Magnat All Ribbon 4's - Sides
Boston Acoustics HD5 bookshelf speakers - Rear surrounds
I have all this running through an Outlaw Model 950 as a preamp and surround processor/switcher
Thanks and sorry for posting a similar, but misleading question earlier.