Let me apologize beforehand for my ignorance on terminology, etc. I am a fan of real receiver systems vs. bookshelf units but I don't really know much. Which is why I'm here - because I don't know how to fix this.
For some reason my receiver's right side speaker inputs (? where you plug the wires into the receiver) are not working right on both A and B. Someone on craigslist advised me to click the tape monitor switch several times to clear out dust and that actually worked (surprised me!). But then a couple weeks later I noticed I was only getting sound out of one again. And the tape monitor switch trick did not work.
What I discovered this time around tinkering with it is if the receiver is set to tuner, I get sound from both speakers. But if it's set to cd, video, etc I only get it from one side.
Is there anything I can do? If need be I feel ok taking things apart as long as it's relatively simple. Or is it time to take it somewhere (and if so, what can I expect in the way of costs?).
Thanks so much.