I am looking for some calibration settings for my Mits. 73735. I have been sifting through pages and pages of forums to locate some of your guys settings that you had done with calibration disc or profesional calibration. i dont have a ton of money cause of our lovely economy but I had saved up $30 for the dve calibration disc and holy crap was that ever above my head. So that was useless. And it took me a over a month to save that $30 up. So I am looking for someone who wouldnt mind sharing their settings with me. I know every tv isnt the same but it is someplace for me to start. Unless someone in my area can come over to my house and calibrate mine. My zip is 17026. I live near Harrisburg,pa I can buy a couple cases of beer for your trouble. A friend of mine owns a beer depot. So if any of you guys could please help me out I would be forever grateful. Thanks