Craig at AVS has purchased all the following subs, and has done shootouts on all these subs with others in attendance. 100 points would be his refernce sub - the best he had before his rankings (Velo DD18). The HSU VTF3 Mark III without the turbo seems to be the best bang for the buck for HT and music, based on how that thread is going. He's also a very big fan of the PB12 NSD sub. Here are his results with approx. pricing:
1. $3200 + (shipping?) JL Audio Fathom 113: 103 points.
2. $4995 + (shipping?) Velodyne DD-18: 100 points.
3. $2150 + (shipping?) ACI Maestro: 97 points.
4. $2200 + (shipping?) JL Audio Fathom 112: 95 points.
5. $999 + ($105 Shipping) Hsu VTF-3 HO + Turbo: 94 points
5a. $899 + ( $80 shipping) Hsu VTF-3 HO w/o Turbo: 92 points
6. $649 + ($75 shipping) VTF-3 Mark III w/o turbo: 91 points
7. $1299 + ( $99 shipping) SVS PB12-Ultra: 90 points.
7T. $1200 + ( $0 shipping included) Axiom EP-500: 90 points
8. $1299 + ( $99 shipping) SVS PB12-Plus/2: 87 points.
9. $599 + ($50+ shipping) PB12-NSD: 86 Points
10. $1099 + ($100 shipping) Rocket UFW-12: 85 points (provisional)
11. $199 + ($43 shipping) Rocket X-Sub: 78 points
12. $99 + (shipping?) Rocket Tyke: 60 points
Here are a few pics of some of the subs he's tested. Quite amazing, isn't it?
Almost looks like the back lot (testing grounds) at SVS.