Hey Seth thought I would share some of my experiences. Keep in mind these are my own personal observations and the opinions I have derived are mine. Dont want to step on any toes so to speak.
I originally bought a Yamaha RX-V650. Really liked it and up till that time it was the best I had owned. The 650 had decent amounts of power and lots of tweaking capabilities. Later, I decided to upgrade and go with another Yammie. This time it was the RX-V757. Liked it as well BUT was really disappointed with the power output. I mean the 650 had more. Really liked the LCD remote and once again lots of tweaking capabilities. Luckily, sold it(757) and bought me a Pioneer 1015. One thing is for certain-this thing is a beast. Has lots of power and the sound seemed to be more solid if you will. Lots of tweaking capabilities as well BUT the 650 and the 757 had a bit more. For example, the 650 and the 757 both had more selections for the X-over setting. For some reason 90 Hz sounded a bit better to me in MY living-room. The 1015 does not have a 90 Hz setting but either 100 Hz or 80Hz. Of course, the 80 Hz still sounds great BUT 90 Hz sounded better. However, in over-all performance the 1015 out classes both the 650 and the 757 respectively. This is especially true with respect to power. Maybe that is why the 1015 outweighed both the 650 and the 757 by around 6 lbs. Anyhow, these are just my opinions and that is why I would get the 84 and never look back.