You'll probably all laugh. I'm totally new to this stuff and perhaps my question is a "well duh".
I just got a H/K 635 receiver and a Pioneer 588 DVD player.
I have been enjoying movies using component video and digital optical between the DVD player and the Receiver. I am assuming this is the recommended setup for DTS, THX, Dolby, etc enabled DVD movies.
Now I got my first SACD in the mail today. Hit play and no sound. So I started playing with stuff. I discovered if I grabbed a set of analog cables and went from the DVD player's analog out to the Receiver's analog in that I get sound. Then I get out the manual for the player and I find a paragraph that says (referring to digital audio jacks - coax and optical):
Note that SACD audio is not output through these jacks, so this connection should be in addition to, rather than instead of, a 5.1 analog connection.
So my question ... is this general practice or is that a downside to the particular flavor of DVD player I chose. Why not put the SACD through the digital channels?
So now what is the recommended course of action? My DVD player has the ports in the back for the 6 analog channels. My Receiver also has the ability to accept one set of 6 analog direct channels.
So, is it recommended that I find a different DVD player that plays SACD through the optical jacks? Do they even exist? Am I being a silly newbie for asking this? hahaha because I'm guessing this is the norm, I just need to confirm.
Or is it recommended that I pony up for the 3X2 analog cables and use up the direct channel on my Receiver?
Thank you in advance.