many never have a problem with their hard drives
True, but remember that "many" is the operative word here. Some do have problems with vibe induced issues, and if that "some" includes "you", I bet you'd be singing a different tune.
Just do regular backups of your important files
Yeah, backups will definitely fix data loss problems in the event of hard drive failure. Note that these vibe conditions won't necessarily cause your entire drive to fail, but they can cause intermittent data loss -- even a single sector written incorrectly
could cause your system to fail (perhaps obviously/catastrophically or perhaps in a more subtle, infuriating fashion; the drive doesn't have to be completely "dead" to have incurred a failure of one sort or another).
Hey, I still carry my laptop around by the corner when it's on, mostly because I don't care about the data on that drive. I know it's a risk. Of course, anyone can do whatever they want, but if it's desired to NOT lose data, then I recommend minimizing the conditions that are known, factual causes of hard drive failure (again, failure does not have to be utterly catastrophic). Hard drive are incredible, electro-mechanical devices, but they are rather fragile.
That's just my opinion as someone who's been engineering hard drives for almost a decade now.