Hello Adam
Thanks for taking the trouble to look for this doc. (sorry to be slow in responding...working away from my base for a few weeks has crimped my DIY pursuits)
Yes, the doc that you referred me to is that same as I have viewed (HiFi Engine / 32p / 1.93MB / pdf) ....both p23 and p26 need more circuit to the right. I went to the trouble of printing and taping all the multi-page drawings...p23 and 26 are orphans. There are grid marks at the RH edge of p23 but close-by, the schematic's horizontal lines go nowhere that I can find. For p26, it is clearer as there are no grid marks at the RH edge. I reckon there should be at least 2 more pages to the right for each. I reckon that the way this doc is commonly presented does not bode well for a more complete version being available.
This receiver has a problem with the protection circuit. Acting at what I think is low to moderate output into two channels only, the unit is turned OFF after a few minutes. The 'missing' drawings are important if I am going to learn how the protection is implemented. I may have to resort to other models' circuitry but that will entail more effort and time than I have at present.
Thanks again for your attention.