Hi, I have turned to the forum in despair of my Pioneer amplifier.
I have all my components (Sky HD, Apple TV and Panasonic Blue ray) linked through my amp, which then outputs video to my tv, audio through speakers.
Up until a few days ago this TV was a panasonic plasma, but having just replaced it with a new Panasonic LCD - TXL50ET60B, the synch between the amp and the TV has stopped working. It was working fine for 2 days and now there is no video connection of the signal. Audio is working fine through the amp speakers.
I have tried swapping hdmi cables and hdmi input ports on the Panny, as well as trialling Sky and blue ray inputs into amp, but with no success.
I have now connected the SkyHD directly to the screen and it is working fine without the amp in the loop. But this is only a short term patch while I figure out what is going on with the video hdmi out on the amp.
I have tried changing the converter on the video parameter to off on the amp but no success.
Just prior to this problem, the amp wouldn't power up via remote or directly via power button up so I disconnected from power completely and reconnected, which seemed to bring the amp back online, minus the video out hdmi
Any ideas, or things I haven't checked before I try and pay for a fix???