If picture quality is your main concern, go with the Pioneer. The Pannasonic will not beat it. No way. If the tuner, price and maybe resale are important, go with the Pannasonic.
The Pio is basically a somewhat stripped down Elite that was intended for the intergrator folks overseas. There were a bunch of them shipped to the states to be blown out to us regular folks since Pio is exiting the display business. Many folks won't recognize the model number in the future which is why I mention resale. For those in the know, it will hold it's desirability for what it is. If you've been reading that and other threads on AVS about these displays, you probably know all this. Just sayin'.
I think you would be pleased with either one, just make sure you won't have buyer's remorse knowing the picture on the Pio will be better. If you get the chance, go look at both of them. The closest thing to the KP Pio will be the 111FD or 101FD. The Pannys you can find lots of places. Let your own eyes be the judge. Take a Blu-Ray disc to test them out. Most store signal feeds stink.