Well, I've got a VSX-72 & it's very similar to the 74 minus the iLink, USB, & 10wpc. I've had mine for 3-weeks now & I really enjoy it. I've had no problems with the unit thus far. For me, it's a vast improvement over my Sony STR-DE875. It's got all the usual features you expect from an A/V receiver plus two HDMI inputs & one output.
Here are the things I like:
-Advanced MCACC sounds very good. I don't really have the skills required to calibrate it properly, so this helped me alot.
-The clarity & sound separation over my old receiver is awesome......and I really liked my 875 when I first got it 4-years ago.
-HDMI works well with my TV and HD satellite box. IF there is any difference from when I had it connected directly to my TV, I can't tell.
-I do like Pro-Logic II. It's better than the old Pro Logic & makes watching non-5.1 programs more likable.
-Learning remote is very nice. I can finally control everything with 1-remote.
Here are a few gripes:
-can't listen to radio while watching satellite when connected with HDMI(I like listening to radio announcers for some football games). I suppose this is b/c HDMI is suppose to carry both an audio and video signal. I tried connecting my satellite w/component & then I could listen to a different audio source with the satellite on. So, I guess it's an HDMI compatibility thing.
-buttons on remote are too small and aren't backlit.
They are small gripes I can live with and overall I really do like my new receiver. It makes listening to music & watching movies alot more enjoyable. I hope this helps you out.