I have a Pioneer 1015. I love it so far especially after some of you cleared up some of my earlier questions last month. But I have a new concern. I understand my volume can go all the way from -80 to +12. What I don't get is why the volume of -40 when listening to a DVD (DVD/LD input) is so quiet, yet when I switch to Tuner or CD input, the music is blaring to the point that I have to turn the volume down to -60 or so to equate the volume I had from the DVD.
1) Does this happen to you other owners out there? Why is -40 when watching a DVD equivalent to -60 when listening to Tuner? I go back and forth a lot between watching my DVD/DVR and the tuner (e.g... watching a football game through the DVR but flipping back to the Tuner to listen to the local broadcast on the radio), and I constantly find my self having to turn the darn volume up and down 20 units everytime I go back and forth. It doesn't seem right and it's pretty annoying especially for a new $450 receiver.
2) Can you think of what may be causing this and is there anything I can do to get the DVD/DVR input to be similar to the Tuner input?
Thanks in advance...