Hi Ho said:
May I ask how you ended up with so many duplicates? I don't believe I have any on my PC.
Did you try the program niget2002 linked to?
My brothers and I downloaded all of our music and labeled them differently. Some in shorthand, some labeled with the album in the tag, some remixes with the same tag
For example (not exact example but many songs have similar, multiple tags)
ACDC's Back in Black:
AC/DC Back in Black
Back in Black
bck n blk
AC/DC bck n blck
ACDC Live collectors- back in black
ACDC Back in Black- Back in Black
ACDC Back in Black- You Shook Me All Night Long
1.ACDC Back in Black
2.ACDC BACK in Blck Live
I would like to get a master list by artist. listing the artist-ACDC and when I click on the artist, a list of songs follows.
I looked at Niget2002's link. Is it the Musicbrainz tagger your suggesting. Am I right to assume that I would have to:
Download, import songs (playlist), got through each artist, and manually delete the songs that are duplicats that may have different tags?
To use my example above, Would this program list the song labled "Back in Black" under ACDC, AC/DC, or Back in Black, or all of them?
Thanks to all for your help