If the Front Left & Right and Center speakers all connect to the Bose Bass Module and NOT directly to your Yamaha receiver, it means that the Bass Module is acting as the crossover and handling the bass management itself. Therefore,in your Yamaha receiver's setup menu, you should set the Front Left & Right and Center speakers to "Large" or "Full Range" and you should set the subwoofer to "Off" or "None".
The other big problem is that the Bose Acoustimas systems are very low quality speakers. I know that they are expensive, advertised as being good, promoted heavily in stores by salespeople, and many people just out in public think that Bose products are supposed to be good. But among home theater and audio enthusiasts, Bose has a terrible reputation because they sell very low quality, very cheap speakers for a HUGE mark up and basically trick the public with lots of advertising. They are THE prime example of people being fooled by advertising, salespeople and a high price tag. Sadly, they are just a rip off. They are not good speakers and they are massively overpriced. I'm sorry to break this news to you. It never feels good to have someone tell you that you were tricked into spending a lot of your money on a bad product. But it's not your fault. Many, many, many people have been tricked by Bose and their salespeople and advertising. But folks like us, who love home theater and audio, we try out best to warn people and to recommend MUCH better speakers that cost the same or less than Bose. But we can't reach everyone nor convince everyone.
Anyways, the Bose Bass Module that you have simply is not capable of playing true, deep bass. It is not a subwoofer. It plays down to about 60Hz, maybe has a small amount of output as deep as 40Hz. But there is at least an entire octave of bass completely missing and what bass it does produce is of very poor quality.
Sorry for the bad news. But the good news is that now that you have found this message board, you can get a lot of helpful recommendations and buy yourself some speakers and subwoofers that are actually good!