I have a Def tec sub that blew the curcuit board when I was messing around with it. Anyways, until my psw111 gets here I hooked up my phonic amp to it. 900w bridged. Rca cable from sub preout on Denon 3805 to 1/4" jack input on the amp. Then normal speaker wire from the amp output and directly into the driver. I have the gain all the way up on the amp but get very little sound. I can turn the receiver all the way to -13 and it increases the subs output but its not putting out like it should.
I hooked the amp up to a spare DVD/CD player i have and I cant even turn the gain past 1/2 way. Seems to work fine.
All sttings on the receiver I think are right-- Sub on, sub output 15, tryed LFE only and LFE and MAINS no difference. Its almost like there is a very little amount of signal coming out of all the preouts? I hooked the same RCA cable to all the different preouts--fronts, surrounds, center, etc all the same as the sub out. But hook it to the dvd/cd player its fine. You guys think something is wrong with the preouts on the receiver? Or am I missing something here?
Thanks for any suggestions!