Hi. My first post to this forum after countless nights of reading, reading, and reading the info here. Fantastic site!!!
I’m at the point of what to buy for a ht processor. ‘She’ likes movies, ‘I’ like music, looking for a unit that can do both. Parasound’s Halo C2 looks promising, but so does the Integra Research RDC-7.1 A/V. Read both reviews here.
I called Parasound and inquired into the decoding of DTS 96/24 at 48khz, if it had been updated. It has not and there is no intention to. As per Parasound, the difference between the two is virtually inaudible. Is this true???
Parasound also suggested a higher rate could introduce audible jitter, so the 48khz was a more acceptable trade off. Does this sound right??? How is anyone else doing the DTS 96/24 decoding at a higher rate???
The ‘accountant’ has giving me a free hand in choosing the processor, as long as it’s “pretty”. Besides, she picked the speakers and recently added a SVS sub based solely on Clint’s July 2004 review of the PB2 (now PB12). But, I’m overwhelmed. Considering:
Anthem D1
Arcam A/V8
Lexicon MC8
Integra Research RDC-7.1 A/V
Parasound Halo C2.
If there is anything in that bunch that shines above the rest, what would it be??? And why??? Seems Gene likes the RDC-7.1 A/V but reading the ‘cons’ looks scary, but the overall rating at the end of the 10-page review was impressive. Any help would greatly appreciated.