No, I'm not talking about some flesh eating species let into the wild, just my speakers...
I've been told that the break-in period for some paradigm speakers can be as long as 40-50 hours of playing. I can now vouch for this time myself. I thought out-of-the-box these were very impressive, but God do they ever sound amazing now. What has my jaw dropping the most is the pw2200 sub(v.2), I used to sit in awe as this sub shook my house and contents withing it during intense DVD scenes, now I get into gigle fits and even worry if my house can survive the onslaught. This sub is incredible now.
Moral of this story - give your speakers "time" to truly shine.
Ya I no - It sounds like I'm being sponsored - so be it.
Question - Do people who review speakers give each brand the required break-in time?